Let me introduce myself

my photo

My name

Name: Serhii

Last name: Skrypnyk


About me

My goal is to become a high-level web developer. At the moment, I have focused on studying js, as I understand how much I need it in my work.

My profile on freelance:

My skills

  • html
  • css
  • php
  • mysql
  • bootstrap
  • wordpress

Sample code

$("#subject2").change(function() {
    var subject2 = $(this).val();
    var subject3 = $("#subject3").val();
    if ((subject2 != '') && (subject3 != '')) {
    var clear = '';


I worked as a teacher at the university and part-time as a computer science teacher at school. For 5 years I was the deputy director at the Zaporizhia classical lyceum.

For several years I administered the site of the Zaporizhia classical lyceum. My responsibilities included filling the site with content, adding new functionality, and periodic design edits.

I have experience in freelancing where I have done the following work:

  • creating themes for WordPress;
  • development of online calculators;
  • development of task generators for a children's development site childdevelop.com.ua;
  • making various edits to working sites.

Examples of my work:


Economist-cybernetics (2004), management of educational institutions and their structural divisions (2011).

English level

My English level is A2.

I am currently studying online courses in my city (B1).

Last year I took language practice at courses Michael Gott International.